Saturday, September 24 — Roaring Run Recreation Area
Meet at 8:30 a.m. at the RRWA parking lot
Leader: Denny McCarthy,, 412-913-9064
Directions: From the south, say Greensburg, follow PA Rt 66 north as it crosses Rt 22 and continue through Delmont. Stay right at the 356/66 “Y” continuing on 66 and down the hill into Apollo. Immediately after crossing the bridge over the Kiskiminetas River, turn right at the traffic light onto Kiski Avenue. This street becomes Canal Street. In roughly a mile, you will reach a fork. Do NOT take the left road, which starts up the hill. Instead, keep going straight ahead until you reach the Roaring Run Watershed Association parking lot.
Description: From the RRWA parking lot we will carpool to the top of the Rock Furnace Trail. A 1.5 mile scenic downhill hike along forested Rattler and 1580 Roaring Runs over wooden bridges and past waterfalls will connect us to the Roaring Run trail. From there it’s another flat 1.5 mile hike downstream along the Kiski River to get us back to the original parking lot. All trails are wellmaintained. Migrating songbirds and ducks should be available along with a variety of flora. There is a rest room at the lower parking lot, and a picnic pavilion for those who want to brown-bag and socialize after the hike