WBNC Birdnet-Pi
WBNC has just installed a Birdnet-Pi listening station at a member’s home in Westmoreland County. The Birdnet-Pi is a 24/7 bird song detection station and identifies the bird calls. It creates spectrograms of each call and enters them into a local database. Information from the database can be observed using any browser at http://westmorelandbnc.ddns.net . The information detected from this station is integrated in to birdweather.com which shows the activity of all Birdnet-Pi listening stations around the country. WBNC is one of over 100 such stations in the US, Canada and Mexico. This is one method to learning the local bird calls and seeing the local birding activity.
More information about the Birdnet-Pi can be found at https://birdnetpi.com/. There are step by step instructions on how to make your own Birdnet-Pi at https://pixcams.com/building-a-birdnet-pi-real-time-acoustic-bird-id-station/
We have embedded the live WBNC Birdnet-PI below. Click on links and scroll down. Enjoy!