Meet at the long trailhead parking lot along Rt 31 at 8:30 a.m.
Leader: Denny McCarthy,, 412-913-9064
Directions: From the Donegal Turnpike Exit, head east on Rt 31 for 9.2 miles and watch for the Main entrance on your right. You can follow Lake Loop Trail thru the park to the trailhead parking lot on the other end of the park. Or you can drive past the main park entrance and turn right after 0.2 miles to the big long parking lot visible from Rt 31.
Description: We will hike the Kincora, Tree Army, and Kooser Run Trails, which essentially loop around the park. Spring will just be arriving at this elevated park with migrants arriving and wildflowers blooming. Lake and stream areas along with deciduous and coniferous forests can be viewed. Picnic areas are available for those wishing to socialize over a brown-bag lunch.